An Astrological Educational Organization
The Tucson Astrologers’ Guild presents exciting monthly programs featuring excellent astrologers from all around the world, panel discussions of timely topics featuring professional astrologers from Tucson’s pool of world-class astrologers, and round-table discussions where amateur astrologers and novices also contribute.
TAG was founded on August 29, 1979 and was incorporated as a non-profit educational organization on November 26, 1980. Since then, TAG has offered monthly lectures and workshops for the astrological community of Tucson. Now all the lectures are also offered to our members and larger astrological community around the world via Zoom.
Into the Future
The Tucson Astrologers’ Guild will continue to present timely, informative and empowering speakers and programs to benefit Tucson and the astrological world community, networking with the spiritual, counseling and scientific communities for an open-minded exchange of ideas, information and inspiration.
Contact us for more information Click HERE